Monday, October 26, 2009

If a pumpkin grows in Hungary does anyone carve it?

Meditating over this question we invited Emily and Tomi over to take part in our fall festival. It was lots of fun and included roasting pumpkin seeds and making pumpkin ravioli (but that's another post). I think Emily and Tomi had a lot of fun; we sure did!

The three stooges.

Franny and I carried these pumpkins home by hand, along with our usual market list of groceries. It was hard work, but so worth it for the reward of fresh pumpkin seeds and friends wielding knives and smiling!

The three stooges when lit.
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1 comment:

Hanna said...

Ahhh!!! Those are so adorable! And pumpkin ravioli?? Nagyon finom.